Nicole Tan

Creative Technologist, Wayfair Next

Nicole Tan is a creative technologist who loves finding creative, new ways to apply technology to solve some of Wayfair’s toughest challenges. Her work at Wayfair Next focuses on designing and engineering projects that redefine customer experiences. Nicole works at the intersection of engineering, design, and art to bring far-future concepts to life and inspire Wayfair to think about the future of digital commerce. Before Wayfair, she studied Computer Science at Cornell University and worked on animatronic-centric collision tools for 3D artists at Walt Disney Imagineering. She has previously presented and spoken at ACM SIGGRAPH & SIGCHI, Grace Hopper, Web4All, MobileHCI, and Augmented World Expo.

October 30, 2023
In July we launched Decorify, our generative AI model that creates shoppable, photorealistic images to enable consumers to envision their own homes in new styles by simply uploading a picture of their space. The feedback received has been great with users uploading more than 10,000 images and conducting just over 70,000 designs.
1 Min Read
May 2, 2023
In early April, Wayfair introduced the Digital Design Studio in our AllModern Dedham store. The Digital Design Studio (DDS) is a photorealistic interactive experience that lets customers explore Wayfair’s endless catalog by designing 3D furniture arrangements with product cards. Creating this tool was a collaborative effort between Wayfair Next (our R&D group tasked with exploring various emerging tech use cases), Physical Retail, Visual Merchandising, Creative, 3D, and many other Wayfair teams.
9 Min Read
June 21, 2022
Consumers today count on user-generated content when shopping for products online. This includes review imagery posted by unbiased shoppers. In fact, for many, the content posted by fellow consumers offers the best validation and is vital to selecting the right items for the home when shopping online.
6 Min Read
August 3, 2021
Have you ever wondered how life might improve if technology could better understand your emotions? Could our lives be better, safer, less stressful if our computers and machines could know when we’re frustrated, burned out or distracted? When you begin unpacking all the implications of emotionally intelligent machines, you can imagine an endless range of exciting possibilities and tough questions.
3 Min Read