Photo of Wayfair Employee

Ankush Khanna

Senior Data Engineer

Working in the domain of data for the last 8 years, Ankush focuses on real-time and BigData technologies. At Wayfair, Ankush is a senior data engineer focused on providing reliable and consistent data to suppliers in both real-time and batch mode. Ankush is excited about future data projects which will help suppliers maneuver their resources with insightful metrics in real-time.

April 4, 2022
Suppliers are an integral part of Wayfair, and providing them with real-time and high-quality data with flexibility is important for our mission. Today I’m going to highlight two specific areas: how Wayfair is leveraging real-time data to provide suppliers with up-to-date sales information and how our team has tackled some of the problems that emerged along the journey.
9 Min Read