Photo of Wayfair Technology employee

Nick Gonsalves

Senior Machine Learning Engineering Manager

Nick Gonsalves is the manager of the Machine Learning Platform's "Build and Train" team, which focuses on training machine learning models at scale, orchestrating model retraining pipelines, and tracking training experiments. Before Wayfair, Nick was a Data Scientist on Microsoft Office and Paint3D before moving to engineering on the Azure Cognitive Services Platform team.

March 22, 2022
Machine learning (ML) profoundly transformed the digital shopping experience for millions of people worldwide. We’ve seen this at Wayfair, where our teams are continuously delivering intelligent and improved experiences for our customers by integrating ML at every stage of their journey with us. Right now Wayfair is leveraging hundreds of ML applications, which on the outside are improving marketing campaigns, improving the visual merchandising of the products we sell, personalizing product recommendations, enabling high-quality customer service, and more.
6 Min Read